Types of charcoal available in Singapore

Are you tired of battling billows of smoke every time you light up the grill? Whether you're a chalet warrior, East Coast Park pit master, condo cookout champion or a restaurant BBQ boss, this little secret is the key to a smokeless and stress-free grilling experience.

What is smokeless charcoal, you ask?

Introducing smokeless charcoal, a game-changer that lights up with a clean burn instead of emitting excessive dirty smoke or odor that taints the air and food while the charcoal is igniting.

Why do I need smokeless charcoal?

In cozy little Singapore where we love to cook up a storm in close quarters, being able to light up charcoal without a noxious cloud of smoke is quite literally, a breath of fresh air!
It makes the cooking experience less stressful, and let’s face it, who likes clouds of dirty smoke or funky smells that stick to your clothes and food?

But will my food lack that wonderful smoky flavour?

No, the putrid smoke emitted when igniting traditional charcoal is very different from the glorious aromatic smoke that infuses food during grilling - or the burst of smoky goodness when the fat drippings from your chicken wings or beef ribs hit the BBQ, sizzle and rise up.

With smokeless charcoal, you’ll eliminate the bad smoke, and keep the good!

I bought smokeless charcoal - but it still gave off lots of smoke!

Smokeless charcoal should not give off plumes of bad smoke during ignition, as long as you fired it up right. But, if you're using fire starters and accidentally crushed them with the charcoal, you might raise a smoke signal! To avoid that, make sure you stack the charcoal in such a way that the starters and charcoal get enough air around each piece to burn, just like in science class where we learned that fire needs oxygen.

But, hold up. What if the charcoal wholesale you bought wasn't as smokeless as advertised? Stay tuned to find out!

Where do I buy smokeless charcoal in Singapore?

While smokeless charcoal can be easily found locally, it's important to be discerning when selecting a product. Don't just grab the first box you see with the "smokeless" label. Due to the absence of regulatory labeling guidelines, sellers may market and sell charcoal as smokeless even if it's not.

Specialty BBQ Stores in Singapore

For an extensive selection of smokeless charcoal options and BBQ grills, consider visiting a specialty BBQ store across Singapore like BBQ Warehouse. These establishments often curate a range of charcoal and wood to cater to the discerning tastes of BBQ enthusiasts. Ask the staff for a recommendation!

Online Shopping Options: Lazada, Shopee, RedMart, Amazon etc

Enjoy the convenience of ordering smokeless charcoal from the comfort of your home. Check out the reviews and try to look for a store that specializes in quality BBQ supplies so we know that they take quality seriously and their focus is on serving BBQ enthusiasts who typically know their stuff. We are open about our love for FYRO charcoal, which offers not just 1 type but an entire range of smokeless charcoal to cater to different BBQ grills and preferences!

Local Supermarkets / Grocery Stores

Holy smokes! Scouring Singapore's biggest supermarkets like FairPrice, Giant, and Cold Storage, we were struck with a concerning realization: smokeless charcoal was nowhere to be found! We tested every type of charcoal available (at the time of writing) but they all seemed to be a bit too smoky for our liking.

But don't fear, foodies! Boutique grocery stores like Huber's Butchery on Dempsey Road, Ryan's Grocery at Great World City, and The Food Cellar in Kovan are here to save the day with their top-quality produce and smokeless charcoal options.

FYRO Charcoal Warehouse

Welcome to our BBQ haven! Our wide range of smokeless charcoal is perfect for any BBQ enthusiast or restaurant grill. Our knowledgeable staff are happy to provide custom recommendations tailored to your grill type, number of guests, and cooking duration. However, we kindly request that you reach out to us via WhatsApp before visiting so we can ensure our friendly team is prepared to welcome you, as we may be busy sorting out your orders at times. Check out our Binchotan charcoal collection as well.

Conclusion: Keep Calm and Grill On!

As you embark on the quest to find smokeless charcoal to power your BBQ in Singapore, remember that the journey is as important as the destination. Experiment with different types, and share your experience with us in the comments!

Instant light charcoal – helpful or harmful?

If you’re looking for a convenient, quick-lighting charcoal for your BBQ, chances are you’ve stumbled upon instant light, self-igniting or match-light charcoal that you can ignite simply with the flame from a matchstick or lighter.

This sounds like a dream for those who aren’t good at stacking up a charcoal pyramid for lighting, or those who just want to get the fire going immediately so they can get on to grilling.

But have you ever stopped to wonder how charcoal - which typically takes some time to light - is able to have sparks or flames spread effortlessly over the entire pile to light it up with just the strike of a matchstick?

This convenient trick is made possible by adding ignition accelerants or oxidizing agents

to charcoal – so that it readily ignites when exposed to flame.

What is in Instant Light Charcoal?

To make charcoal self-igniting, it is impregnated with ignition aids, oxidizing additives or accelerants such as lighter fluid, sodium nitrate, potassium nitrate, sawdust, petroleum, paraffin etc.

These accelerants add flammability to the charcoal, making it easy to light, with sparks or flames that spread over the charcoal quickly.

Is Instant Light Charcoal bad for you?

When burnt, accelerants added to instant light charcoal can release toxic gases into the air, which can be associated with potentially dangerous side effects and harm to health.

Needless to say, these are not substances that we wish to inhale, much less impart to the food we cook which goes into our bodies when we consume it, or serve to our loved ones.

What are some ways to know if my charcoal contains accelerants?

This is most obvious when the label claims that their charcoal is self-igniting / match-light / instant-light, or ready in 5 minutes.. etc.

Often, disposable BBQs use charcoal that contain accelerants, to make lighting up easy.

Some signs to look out for are charcoal that has flames spreading abnormally fast to the rest of the charcoal when only 1 – 2 pieces of charcoal are lit, without an external heat source.

Other times, there can be tiny sparks lining the edges of the charcoal lighting up, or an unnatural odor of fireworks or lighter fluid.

Are there natural charcoal alternatives that light up instantly using a match?

The scientific principles of combustion dictate that a necessary level of heat and oxygen is needed to successfully light charcoal up.

This means that charcoal that is 100% natural without accelerants will need more than just the heat from a matchstick to get it properly lit.

On the bright side, it also means that to get charcoal lighting faster – we simply need to supply it with the necessary level of heat and oxygen faster.

We can do this in a few simple ways.

Ways to start charcoal quicker, safely and naturally

  1. Supply more heat

By adding more fire starters or creating a stronger burning flame source, the extra heat will be able to ignite your charcoal quicker.

  1. Supply more oxygen

When charcoal is about halfway lit and glowing, direct a fan at it to increase the amount of oxygen to aid combustion.

  1. Use a charcoal chimney

Charcoal chimneys are designed to optimize oxygen and heat flow.

When you add a charcoal chimney to your setup, it will help charcoal light up quickly

and burn evenly.

It is also rather effortless, as you simply pile charcoal into the chimney, light some fire starters underneath and let it go to work.

Advantages of using a Charcoal Chimney

Charcoal chimneys and fire starters are all that’s needed to provide you with hot coals that are quickly and easily ready to start cooking with.

Compared to instant light charcoal, you’re far better off using a charcoal chimney to eliminate the possibility of producing noxious gases which find their way into the food you cook.

Instant lighting charcoal often also costs more per kg than regular charcoal, whereas a good charcoal chimney only costs between $20-$30 and they generally last for years, so it’s an excellent investment and a convenient way to get your charcoal lit easily.


There are a number of reasons to avoid instant-lighting charcoal to BBQ your food over. Instant lighting charcoal can light up with unpleasant odors or fumes, and impart those to your food.

In worse cases, they can even give off odorless fumes that are actually harmful and go undetected.

Choosing natural charcoal and lighting it up naturally will be the healthier choice, allowing you to enjoy your grilling sessions with peace of mind. Check out our charcoal supplier page today!

Types of charcoal available in Singapore

Remember that familiar smell of a charcoal BBQ wafting through the air at East Coast Park BBQs, chalet gatherings, or condo BBQ pits? It's the essence of countless delicious memories, but did you know there's a whole world of charcoal beyond what is typically used?

Hardwood Lump Charcoal: Embracing Quality and Tradition

In Singapore, traditional hardwood charcoal made from mangrove wood has long been a staple for grilling aficionados. While revered for its authenticity of providing a roaring charcoal fire, mangrove charcoal often emits a distinct odor and produces wild flames during ignition that can easily burn food.

Newer entrants such as FYRO Fruit Wood charcoal offer a revolutionary alternative, boasting benefits such as smokeless odorless ignition, and a longer-lasting, consistent heat for great heat control. This makes it an excellent choice for those seeking to elevate their grilling experience while maintaining the tradition of hardwood charcoal.

Charcoal Briquettes

Identifiable by their compressed shape, charcoal briquettes offer a convenient and predictable option for BBQs as briquettes provide steady heat ideal for prolonged grilling sessions. They can be made from coconut, wood, or sawdust materials.

While charcoal briquettes may seem uniform in appearance, the quality can vary significantly. Made of smaller particles shaped together and compressed using machine pressure, poor quality briquettes can contain additives that compromise the purity of the charcoal and even impart undesirable flavors to your grilled dishes. If you come across charcoal briquettes that seem unusually cheap, it's essential to exercise caution to prevent putting your health and the flavor of your food at risk.

To ensure a safe and enjoyable grilling experience, it's essential to choose charcoal briquettes from trusted suppliers and brands known for their commitment to quality.

Binchotan Charcoal

Binchotan is highly coveted by chefs for its unparalleled qualities. Crafted from denser and heavy raw wood material, Binchotan undergoes a meticulous production process that results in a charcoal that burns at high temperatures with minimal to no smoke, ensuring a clean and pure flavor that enhances the taste of grilled dishes.

Beyond its culinary prowess, binchotan charcoal is renowned for its ability to purify the surrounding environment. When placed in areas such as refrigerators or shoe cupboards, binchotan charcoal acts as a natural deodorizer, absorbing odors and impurities from the air. This makes it an ideal choice for maintaining a fresh and odor-free environment in the home naturally.

Additionally, binchotan charcoal offers the unique advantage of being extinguishable, allowing for greater control and flexibility during grilling sessions. Unlike other types of charcoal that may continue to burn even after use, binchotan charcoal can be efficiently snuffed out by simply depriving it of oxygen (covering the grill) or spacing the pieces out far from each other to cool them down. Wonder where to buy binchotan charcoal? Contact us today!

Instant Light Charcoal

While convenient, instant light charcoal, often packaged in disposable BBQ grill kits, comes with a cautionary tale. These charcoal are engineered to ignite rapidly through the use of chemicals, offering quick and hassle-free lighting. However, this convenience may come at a cost.

Instant light charcoal contains ignition accelerants or oxidizing agents such as lighter fluid, sodium nitrate, or potassium nitrate. While these additives facilitate rapid ignition, they can also release toxic gases when burned, posing potential risks. Moreover, the chemicals can impart unpleasant flavors to grilled food.

In addition to health concerns, instant light charcoal often lacks durability and heat stability. The charcoal is heavily impregnated with ignition chemicals, leaving little room for quality charcoal material. As a result, it burns quickly and inconsistently, failing to provide the steady high heat necessary for optimal grilling performance.

Given these potential repercussions, it's advisable to avoid instant light charcoal and disposable grill kits. Instead, opt for natural charcoal options where possible.

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